Holding Company for Construction & Development

Financial status

Balance Sheet
Income Statement
  • Balance sheet on 30/6/2023 compared to previous year 

    Value in L.E.   
    Statement 30/6/2022 30/6/2023
    Non current assets    
    Fixed assets 37.627.566.960 36.627.524.710
    Investment in real estate 307.599.348.050 220.458.279.080
    Investment in subsidiaries 3.299.329.987.550 2.402.400.831.440
    Investment in other companies 324.018.852.930 886.417.663.360
    Investment in Bonds 2.998.804.420 2.998.804.420
    Investment funds 238.051.836.490 238.051.836.490
    Investment in housing bonds 9.000.000  9.000.000 
    Investment in treasury bills    
    Total non current assets  4.209.635.396.400 3.786.963.939.500
    Current Assets    
    Inventory 192.267.560 151.959.560 
    Stock of finished products  4.789.500.133.090 5.606.968.438.110 
    Customers  424.427.285.280  320.511.974.510
    Receivables 262.217.463.000 
    Other accounts in subsidiaries 3.781.383.379.750 3.569.374.195.010 
    Debit accounts in organizations& authorities 0 0
    Accrued revenue 18.862.240.740 28.179.374.010 
    Prepaid expenses 94.447.380 16.824.920 
    Lliquidity of subsidiaries 2.455.899.265.100 3.103.995.701.950 
    Insurance 298.181.070  288.181.070
    Other debit accounts 865.573.044.460  1.515.748.493.610
    Sold assets 37.801.622.470  36.601.622.470 
    Cash in banks 577.782.688.680  505.419.860.180 
    Abnormal costs    
    Suppliers  244.750.000  768.242.550 
    Tax Authority  52.660.525.220 52.660.525.220 
    Credit accounts  624.268.740  785.225.740
    Total current assets 13.230.344.099.540  15.003.688.081.910
    Total assets  17.439.979.495.940  18.790.652.021.410
    Paid up capital  1.635.676.700.000    2.500.000.000 
    Legal reserve 535.089.626.390   577.064.947.720
    Statutory reserve  1.489.457.114.590    1.489.457.114.590
    Capital reserve 75.663.101.490 77.744.196.990 
    Other reserves 2.633.048.202.460 
    Retained profits(losses) 4.426.302.128.740 
    Profit/ loss before distribution 0.000 0.000 
    Total equity 10.652.997.343.330  11.203.617.104.500 
    Non current liabilities    
    Long term provisions  54.201.556.990  101.687.429.940 
    Deferred tax liabilities  1.835.411.610  2.079.994.650
    Total non current liabilities  56.036.968.600  103.767.424.590
    Current liabilities    
    Disputed tax provision  
    Claims& disputes  
    Other provisions 1.464.467.835.000    1.384.203.454.940
    Credit banks   450.681.550.360   589.702.832.620
    Suppliers  9.772.366.560  10.683.589.270 
    Tax Authority 147.614.568.320   36.566.662.650
    Social insurance   999.661.750  723.298.240
    Dividends 652.023.256.720  770.512.780.850
    Accrued expenses  9.292.307.140  9.928.768.180
    Prepaid revenues  22.338.600    22.338.600
    Profit on deferred installment sales 256.355.361.660  173.853.270.250 
    Insurance 13.364.907.060   11.681.615.610
    Other credit accounts 3.457.780.610.080
    Abnormal accounts    
    Customers  68.364.759.450  124.965.667.840
    Other accounts and liquidity of subsidiaries   204.214.250  182.358.760
    Other debit accounts 1.447.060   2.447.060
    Total current liabilities  6.730.945.184.010  7.483.267.492.320
    Total equity & liabilities   17.439.979.495.940  18.790.652.021.410
  • Income Statement from 1/7/2022 to 30/6/2023

    Value in L.E.    
    Statement From 1/7/2021 to 30/6/2022 From 1/7/2022 to 30/6/2023
    Activity revenue    
    Total sales 876.832.896.610 64.047.659.030
    Permitted deduction (155.720.390)  (90.170.420)
    Income on securities


    Installment profits 29.992.753.750  84.578.085.990 
    Sold services 16.105.488.000 59.600.873.520 
      2.128.760.793.060   1.055.329.311.740
    Deducted (cost of activity)    
    Cost of production (187.659.126.730)    (212.133.721.720) 
    Marketing costs (327.089.150)     (870.561.810) 
    Cost of activity revenue  (187.986.215.880)     ( 
    Gross profit / loss 1.940.774.577.180  842.325.028.210
    Credit interests 55.545.823.160  46.855.546.050
    Profit on sold securities 0.000   22.400.000
    Currency exchange gains 959.474.270  500.579.590
    Capital profits  0.000 
    Investment income in joint venture companies  90.590.773.900
    Other profits/ revenues  87.001.744.630 149.525.315.240 
    Administrative Expenses    
    Interest /financing expenses ( (224.510.040)  
    Administrative and general expenses (2.400.007.020) (1.957.201.450)   
    Other administrative expenses    
    Provisions (284.707.000.000)   (323.100.000.000)    
    Provisions no longer required 
    Capital losses  (5.420.250)    (10.681.200)  
    Currency exchange losses 0  0
    Compensation (   (11.850.649.370)   
    Expenses of previous years (19.693.018.000)    (85.591.230)     
    Unusual losses (95.523.575.280)   0.000 
    Net profit (loss) before tax  1.715.887.496.680  841.832.105.200 
     Income tax (111.644.957.190)   0.000
    Deferred tax  (318.211.840)    (244.583.040)  
    Net Profit  1.603.924.327.650   841.587.522.160
  • Value in L.E. Thousand
    Indicator 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
    Net Operating Revenue 641446 978762 1027528 2128761 1055329
    Net Income 651684 881037 1229272 1603924 841587
    Total Investment 7954461 8622475 9633080 10991095 11534498
    Warking Capital 5129274 5482727 6306772 6781460 7747534

    Net Operating Revenue

    Value in L.E. Thousand

    Net Income

    Value in L.E. Thousand

    Total Investment

    Value in L.E. Thousand

    Warking Capital

    Value in L.E. Thousand

  • Investment Indicators of subsidiaries for fiscal year 2022/2023 compared to previous year

    Value in thousand L.E.
    Statement 2022/2023 2021/2022  increase/ decrease evolution rate
    Return on investments in subsidiaries 0.69 1.54    
    Net profit 958722 2202291 (1243569) (80%)
    Paid up capital 2507933 3461704 (953771) (37%)
    Total Investment Financing 8856634 8816562 40072 01%
    Long Term Investments 1630974 1534955 96019 07%
    Investments in subsidiaries 1391525 1429003 (37478) (03%)
    Credit interest 64240 143051 (78811) (24%)
    Loans from the Holding company 2270133 510621 1759512 1.446%
    Loans from Holding company,banks, others 2400790 2476337 (75547) (03%)