Holding Company for Construction & Development

Company In Brief

Company In Brief
Board of directors
Human Resources
  • Company In Brief

    Construction, building and contracting sector is playing a major economic role as a key driver of growth due to its significant contribution in infrastructure completion and due to the mutual influence between this sector and economic growth in any state.

    Construction and building sector has been a vital sector for economy. It affects more than 90 industries such as cement, iron, plaster, painting, ceramics and wooden industries...etc. This sector is also considered one of major sectors that attract manpower. About 8% of total manpower in Egypt is working in this sector.

    The Holding company for construction and development (Egyptian holding stock co.), working under law 203 of year 1991, is considered one of the leading companies in construction and building industry in Egypt. Hccd started its activities since 1960 under different names according to the legal regulations controlling its frame of work. Finally, it ended as one of Ministry of Public Business Sector companies to cope with the new economic policy that depends on market mechanism, quality assurance and competitiveness.

    Hccd owns 10 companies categorized as follows: 5 contracting companies, 1 company for Designs and Engineering consultations, 3 housing companies, 1 electricity company.

    The Holding company for construction and development and its subsidiaries are shareholders in several joint venture companies.

    Strategic Vision

    Realize Integration in order to achieve sustainable development in construction industry in the Arab world and Africa.

    Strategic Goals

    Performance Improvement
    • Optimal utilization of capital assets
    Individuals Performance Improvement
    • Optimal utilization of human resources and improvement of their technical skills.
    • Health insurance and collective insurance
    • Improving individuals' technical and financial levels
    Increasing Revenues and Profitability
    • Conquering new markets and expanding real estate investment on the company's owned lands.
    • Maximizing revenues and profitability.
  • Full Time Board Members
    Part Time Board Members
    • Eng./




      Dr./ Ayman Ahmed Abdel Wahab


      Dr./ Ayman Ahmed Abdel Wahab Mokhtar

       Executive Managing Director


    • Consultant/ Mohamed Mohamed Zaki Moussa
      ُُMr/ Medhat Mostafa El Medany
      Mr/ Mohamed Mostafa Kamal
      Mr/ Wael Ahmed Abdel Moaty

      Mr/ Abdel Moneim Ibrahim El Gamal

      (Representative of Egyptian Trade Union Federation)


  • List of manpower for the Holding Company according to Professional Classification on 30/9/2024

    Profession Permanent Temporary Casual employment Lump sum Assistant Consultant Experience Free professions Total
    Engineer 9 6 1 1 17
    Agricultural Engineer 5 2 7
    Arts (Applied arts, Fine arts) 1 1
    Accountant 50 7 1 58
    Administrative 37 7 44
    Legal affairs 25 1 2 2 30
    Doctor & Veterinarian 1 1
    Clerk 51 6 57
    Technicians, Craftsmen, Drivers 22 25 3 50
    Other services, guards 16 18 2 36
    Total 216 71 5 2 1 1 2 3 301