El Shams Housing and Development Co.

Establishment Date 1946
Establishment Law Law no. 159 for 1981
Ownership and Shareholders
Shareholder Share % No.of shares
Holding Co. for Construction & Development  44.54 101045122
Misr Insurance company 19.31 43797864
Misr Life Insurance company 11.41 25893737
Funds & individuals 24.74 56138277
Total 100 226875000
Offering Status  13/10/98 (50.5% Public Offering + 5%Shareholder Union )
Authorized to Sold  
Main Activity  Rental, purchase and development of lands
Activity Status  Operational
 Capital and Listing Status on Stock Market 
Listing Status  Listed
Trading Status  Active
No.of Shares 226875000 share
Nominal Value  1 EGP
 Main Indicators (in thousand EGP)
Indicator 31/12/2017 31/12/2018 31/12/2019 31/12/2020 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2023
Fixed Assets 1576 3389 3181 4035 3196 2558 2941
Revenue 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.15 0.5
Net Profit/Loss 101034 207448 135587 149674 83845 149473 150773
Property Rights 253704 296772 544378 638434 663249 754880 855847
Capital Value 121000 121000 181500 181500 181500 226875 226875